Teach us to make the most of our time that we may grow in wisdom. – Psalm 90:12 (NLT)
It takes time. Don’t we hate hearing that? We don’t want to hear about how long it takes. Nobody wants to take the time, we just want it to be done. We want to hear that the journey was tough, but short. We don’t want to hear that it was 10 years before you found your dream job.
Who likes hearing, it takes time to process the check? Or it takes time to heal? What about, it takes time to work your way up? We don’t want to hear that, much less believe it.
Nobody wants to hear that Abraham was 100 before he had his promised son (Genesis 21:5). Nobody wants to hear that the Israelites wandered for 40 years (Joshua 5:6). Who thinks about the fact that Jesus was on the earth three decades before we have any documentation of His preaching ministry (Luke 3:23)?
Ain’t nobody got time to hear that, right? There’s just not enough time for our microwave society. But, if you don’t make time for, you’re certainly not going to have time to undo what you’ve already mistakenly done.
It is my belief that God is so at work that we just can’t contain all that He is doing in our time frame. God is doing something life changing in His way and we want it momentarily to happen in our way. I believe that when God does what He has planned, we won’t mind the time that He took to nurture and prepare us for it.
See, I still believe that the process is the glory. And when I rush the process, I effect the product. Now, whose got time for an unfinished, untested product?