Rock hard
You blunt and break
With a clenched fist
You rule and take
Giving nothing
Yet taking all
It was no wonder what we did
Unbreakable you think you are
Broken you have made me scar
Rock beats scissors every time
Only paper can beat rock’s crime
Paper can cover all my scissors’ shame
Leaving your rock, only to blame
The shame of my scissors that always lose
Leaving me with more to further prove
True to me, true to you is all I want
No more feelings left to taunt
But me, in my way
I love so strong everyday
I sacrifice my need for your want
My next move I know you will haunt
I can’t bear to see you covered this way
So it’s scissors I pick everyday
I cut the paper that so easily would let me win
And undo the fingers I extend
From my covering, you are free
Taking whatever is left of me
This is much more than a game I’m here to play
This is me, this is my life, I can’t live this way
Your rock hard heart
Blunts and tears my scissor cut feelings apart
This paper covering relationship hides what’s true
My scissors with your rock, they just won’t do.